It has been a bit slow going, but as one of our work share members exclaimed yesterday, "it is finally starting to really look like something!" Indeed the rows are just about all in and seedlings are ready to go into the soil - as soon as we can irrigate them!
Word came Thursday that they finally were able to ship our irrigation system and I expect it any day this week - hopefully by Tuesday. I can then lay out the drip tapes and we can test the flow, making any adjustments to the grade of the rows needed, and next Saturday - plant those babies!
Word came Thursday that they finally were able to ship our irrigation system and I expect it any day this week - hopefully by Tuesday. I can then lay out the drip tapes and we can test the flow, making any adjustments to the grade of the rows needed, and next Saturday - plant those babies!
The bases for the irrigation system's buckets arrived today.
All we need now is the steps to the top and to attach the pallets/platforms.
We are using a gravity-fed bucket irrigation system - totally sustainable once we set up the workshed and rain harvesting barrels.We'll also direct sow some seeds that have been waiting for this cool front that is promised, too.
Welcome to farming in North Texas - just hurry up and wait...
I'm comforted to know that a long time farmer colleague of mine in Grand Saline hasn't gotten his crops in yet either. We had such a dry spell, seems no one could work the soil when we wanted/needed to. But, that just means a later harvest. And, going forward, the soils will need less and less preparation for planting of some things so we'll have carryover from things planted in the summer to fall, plantings from fall carryover to early winter and so on. This being our first planting - there isn't any carryover yet.
Those who work the field will probably have a different appreciation for things as they can see how long it takes to hoe a row, to level the soil out, and in some cases, to remove some of the huge chunks the tiller didn't manage to break up sufficiently. Yes, some of them will have to go - Kevin will be happy to know I'm not going to plant in the huge chunks.
We saved a lot of time though yesterday not worrying about breaking up everything as we were going. We've got through 17 rows - 100' long and 4' wide - that is going to be a lot of veggies!
I'm linking an old story that I thought did a great job on explaining CSA's and it features one of my mentors, Brad Stufflebeam. I thought you might enjoy reading it and seeing other CSA's, too.
I'll keep you posted - come on out to Market Day next weekend - we are hoping to have carving pumpkins and a local art show featuring some winners of the youth photo contest and photos by Jenice Johnson, professional photographer and local newspaper editor that also is one of our CSA subscribers.
Eat Your Food - Naturally!